
Newark is a small town in the east of Nottinghamshire. If history is your thing come and visit Newark. I  noted this from the Geograph website,

"The strategic situation of Newark at the intersection of the Fosseway and the Great North Road crossing the River Trent is obvious and the town was founded in the 10th century by King Edward the Elder. A motte-and-bailey castle was established by Bishop of Lincoln, Robert Bloet in 1073 and following his death in 1123, Bishop Alexander built a stone castle 1123-1133 before being reclaimed by the crown. Henry III returned the castle to the Bishops of Lincoln after King John’s death there in 1216 and building continued by Bishop Henry de Burghersh c1320-1340 and Bishop Thomas Rotherham 1471-1480.

After the Reformation it passed to the crown in 1547 before was altered as a residence for the Earl of Rutland in 1581. Stoutly defended by a Royalist garrison in 1644 and 1646, but slighted by the victorious Parliamentarian troops. Restored by Anthony Salvin 1845-1848, purchased and restored by Newark Corporation in 1889 it was restored and consolidated by The Department of the Environment 1979-1990 and is now owned by Newark Town Council.

The ruins are Grade I listed and a Scheduled Ancient Monument."

You can see some of our Pastor's pictures on Geograph.Note this one - which has a story behind it involving two men with guns.

 This page will focus (get it) on pictures of the town - which means that if you have a photograph of Newark you want to put on a website - this is the place to do it. Just click here to access the form you can use to send us your photographs.

Here are a few photographs to get you going

 The castle seen from the bridge over the River Trent - a few minutes before sunset. The dot in the sky to the top left is the moon - it had been around through most of the day.

The bridge over the Trent with a view across to the Parish Church and a glimpse of the castle.